What are your Fun A Day Rules?

“Ugly Art Is Fun” Magnet by @TrashyLeesuh, FAD PGH ’17

Last year’s Fun A Day Art Show took place at Tech Shop over February 4-5, 2017. For some, it was their very first time showing a piece of art in public. For others, Fun A Day Pittsburgh is an annual tradition!

We asked the participants to share their Fun A Day Rules. Technically, one of the tenets of Fun A Day is that there ARE no rules. Write a dirty limerick, take a walk, draw a picture of your dog, make new friends. However you want to have fun, and however you want to share your process with us is fair game.

That doesn’t meant you shouldn’t have a plan! Having a daily creative practice isn’t always easy, even when you choose a project that you adore. Things come up! Life happens! Or sometimes you bite off a little more than you can chew. Here are the rules our participants wrote last year. Maybe they can help you prepare!

My favorites?

  • There is never a bad time to think creatively (even at 4 AM)
  • Be nice to yourself!
  • Changing plans/mediums part way through is fine – it’s EVOLUTION 🙂
  • You can skip days if you want, but then you have to catch up.

Do you have any Fun A Day rules?